What I Learned From Watching YOUTUBE Videos


I love watching YouTube videos to help motivate me to clean.  One thing I notice is while they clean I still notice things they missed.  Sometimes I want to yell, “get the ball from under the couch”.  So what I learned from the videos is you don’t always see what others see.  How does this help me you might ask.  I started taking photos of my house when I expect company.  I can see what is under the couch, china cabinet and in corners.  By doing this I found a bottle of Glade room spray that went missing, not to mention a Cadbury Mini Egg, what a waste.  That went in the garbage but I was thrilled to get my room spray back.

I also love that you feel a sense of community.  Even if you feel alone on your cleaning and organizing journey you quickly realize you’re not.  It doesn’t matter if your a stay at home parent, working parent or if your a fur baby parent or not a parent at all.  It’s OK  you’re not alone and you can find a channel to accommodate your situation.  I watch a lot of minimalist videos filled with grey walls and no clutter.  But I have colors on all my walls and an eclectic taste. From watching the videos I see huge homes, small homes and apartments.  The common factor is they all love and appreciate their homes.  You can’t dwell on what you wish you had or what you want to get done in the future.  Be happy with what you have. Clean your house and make the most of it.   Do I dream of a huge house on the water, you bet I do.  But until I win the lotto (good luck with that Rae) I will love the house I live in.

Not all perfect channels are perfect.  I recently watched a video of a mom that broke down because she was overwhelmed.  Its OK to be overwhelmed.  Her solution was to go internet free on the weekends and concentrate on her family.  This may or may not work for you.  But try it for an hour and see if it helps.

I learn cleaning tips.  I love learning how to do something that makes my job easy.  I used to spend my day scrubbing the stove top to only have it still look dirty.  A little peroxide mixed with baking soda was all it took to clean my stove in no time leaving me more time in my day to do other things.  I really appreciate the purging videos.  Its hard for me to get rid of things, but watching videos has made me learn that its OK to get rid of things.  They are just things and if the clutter isn’t bringing you joy the item isn’t either.  Pass it to someone that will cherish it.

Something I love to watch is Dollar Tree Hauls.  I may even start taking photos of my great finds.  On a budget you can find décor to match your home and add a pop of color.  I learned that you can feed a family on a budget when you add a few things from the Dollar Tree.  Bread and name brand cereals are a great find there.  And the cleaning supplies.  I love the cleaning supplies.  I use the gloves when I clean now to save my hand from getting dry.  I love the sponges and cleaners.  My favorite is the cleaning vinegar that you can get there.  Its great to have to clean around the house.  Not everything is a deal, but the bloggers and Youtubers help you sort the good from the bad.

Do you like watching YouTube?  What are some of your favorite things to watch?

Enjoy your day!!!—Rae

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