Fried Croissant Dough


It’s fair time and what do you think of when you hear a fair is in town?  If your like me games, rides and FOOD!!  I love the fried dough and there is a place here that sells the best French fries.  The only problem with fair food is the cost.  After you pay for all the other things like parking, admission and games the price of food for a family really adds up.  My solution, make my own fried dough.  This is a quick and easy recipe, it might not be as good as the fair, but it comes pretty close at a budget price.  Enjoy!!!


Fried Croissant Dough

1 refrigerated can Croissant rolls

Oil for frying, I use canola

Powdered sugar for garnish


Open the can of rolls, cut them in 3-4 pieces

Heat oil to 350 degrees in a small frying pan

When oil is hot and ready add the dough about 2 at a time to pan, careful oil will be hot.

Flip them over until both sides are golden brown

When fully cooked, place the dough on a paper towel lined paper plate.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar.


3 responses »

  1. Pingback: Yummy Breakfast Recipes | MM #169 - A Wonderful Thought

  2. Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful post with us at Full Plate Thursday this week. Please keep our great state of Texas in your thoughts and prayers as we are struggling with the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. Hope you have a good week.
    Miz Helen

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